A miniature model space craft from the original Star Wars film has sold for $350,000 (£177,789) in an auction of iconic film memorabilia. The 18 inch-high T.I.E. fighter featured in the climactic space battle in the 1977 movie.
A hoverboard ridden by Michael J Fox in the Back to the Future films went for $55,000 (£27,938). The sale, by Hollywood auction house Profiles In History, mainly focused on visual effects and props.
Charlton Heston's stone tablets from The Ten Commandments fetched $60,000 (£30,492), while the axe used by Jack Nicholson in The Shining had a closing bid of $25,000 (£12,699). It was used to batter down a hotel door in Stanley Kubrick's 1980 film adaptation of Stephen King's novel.
The Holy Grail - the Indiana Jones prop, rather than the Christian relic - was bought for $22,500 (£11,429). The auction allowed collectors to buy more than 1,000 original pieces of Hollywood history, including several superhero costumes - among them Wolverine's X-Men jacket and Ben Affleck's Daredevil costume.
Mel Gibson's William Wallace battle costume from 1995's Braveheart was bought for $30,000 (£15,246). Other sales included the animatronic puppet from Alien 3, made from foam rubber, silicone and fibreglass, which sold for £19,000 (£9,651). A ray gun from 1956 science-fiction classic Forbidden Planet went for $40,000 (£20,328).